For anyone that is going to be using article marketing to bring traffic to your business you need to know how to submit articles for publication. There are a few steps that need to be done before you actually submit
the article.
To help you get started here are the most important steps you need to do before you submit any article to any article directory.
1. The first step is to be sure you have a good quality article that uses at least one main keyword. The keyword will help the search engines know where to place you in their search results and the quality of the article will ensure that people read it.
2. Once you have your quality article your next step is to find article directories to submit it to. There are many different directories online that can be used but you want to be sure you definitely get it on the biggest and most popular directories first.
Get on any major search engine and start looking for top directories. Once you find them put them in a place in your bookmarks where you can easily find them whenever you need them.
You will need to visit each directory that you plan to use because most of them require you to set up an account with them before allowing you to submit articles. It is free to set up an account and will be very beneficial to your business.
3. You need to make sure that you take time to write at least one resource box with your business information in it so you can include this with the article each time you submit it. This is the only way the person reading the article will be able to get to your site.
4. Now that you have the article and the sites where you are going to submit them the next step is to start the submission process. For most of it you can do a lot of copying and pasting.
Put in your title and the body of the article first. Then add the keywords and your resource box. Look at any other information they are asking for next and provide what is needed.
5. The last step is to go back and double check everything before you hit the submit button for the article to be approved. Once you have submitted it all that is left is for you to wait for it to get approved.
These are the most important steps you must do before you submit any articles. Now that you know how to submit articles for publication; all that is left is for you to get started writing articles and submitting them to as many article directories as you can.
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